Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Stuck To Her Favourite Appliance

At the toy shop a friend kindly bought Tiny a box of wooden biscuits. We had seen some stuck to a child's baking tray and so using velcro I made her a similar toy at home. She didn't engage with it and headed for her favourite appliance - the dishwasher! Tiny loves the dishwasher and is fascinated by it. And so I thought I'd try sticking the biscuits to it and immediately she engaged with pulling them off! I think she loves the low humming and vibration of the dishwasher and this made the play all the better for her.  Once she had pulled the gingerbread man off she spent ages chatting with him. Not sure what about but it sounded serious!


  1. Did you film Tiny chatting to the gingerbread man?! Would love to have heard that!
    Carri (from Montessori Toddlers)

  2. I wish I had recorded that Carri! I often record her as she often sings along to different instruments that I play but unfortunately can't upload recordings.



At 20 months old Tiny is ready to thread these wooden farm pieces onto the thread. She stayed focused and appeared to enjoy threading most o...