Monday, 19 March 2018


Yesterday I walked into a learning centre and it was row upon row of brightly coloured plastic, shaped into some sort of toy, usually with flashing lights or an electronic voice. I left feeling uninspired and bored. 

I had been looking for a Grimm's Rainbow having come across one at a playgroup and seeing the potential for lots of fun, decided to buy one for Tiny. My search took me online and I was overjoyed to discover this online shop - Myriad Toys. I ordered the rainbow along with their catalogue and having flicked through it today I feel excited and happy to have found such a place. It is full of thoughtful and exciting resources for play and not a plastic, flashing toy with only one purpose in sight. Joy!


  1. You and Tiny might like:

    1. Oh thank you! I've just had a look and love the little wooden set.



At 20 months old Tiny is ready to thread these wooden farm pieces onto the thread. She stayed focused and appeared to enjoy threading most o...